Find some of my best peer-reviewed articles and papers below.
The rest of my academic works can be browsed on google scholar.
Some of my academic journal articles:
Pezzano, G. & Gualeni, S.
How to Do Philosophy with Sci-Fiction: A Case of Hybrid
Filosofia, 69.
Van de Mosselaer, N. & Gualeni, S.
The Implied Designer of Digital Games.
Estetika (The European Journal of Aesthetics), 60 (1).
Van de Mosselaer, N. & Gualeni, S.
The Fictional Incompleteness of Digital Gameworlds.
ToDiGRA Journal, 6 (1).
Gualeni, S. & Van de Mosselaer, N.
Ludic Unreliability and Deceptive Game Design.
Journal of the Philosophy of Games, 3 (1).
Gualeni, S.
Fictional Games and Utopia: The Case of Azad.
Science Fiction Film & Television, 14 (2).
Gualeni, S.
A Theodicy for Artificial Universes: Moral Considerations on Simulation Hypotheses.
International Journal of Technoethics, 12 (1).
Gualeni, S.
Artificial Beings Worthy of Moral Consideration in Virtual Environments: An Analysis of Ethical Viability.
JVWR, 13 (1).
Vella, D. & Gualeni, S.
Virtual Subjectivity: Existence and Projectuality in Virtual Worlds.
Techné: Research in Philosophy of Technology, 23 (2).
Gualeni, S.; Vella, D.; Harrington, J.
De-Roling from Experiences and Identities in Virtual Worlds.
JVWR, 10 (2).
Gualeni, S.
The Experience Machine: Existential Reflections on Virtual Worlds.
JVWR, 9 (3).
Gualeni, S.
Self-reflexive videogames: observations and corollaries on virtual worlds as philosophical artifacts.
G.A.M.E., 5 (1).
Gualeni, S.
Augmented Ontologies; or, How to Philosophize with a Digital Hammer.
Philosophy of Technology, 27 (2).
Book chapters I wrote:
Gualeni, S. & Van de Mosselaer, N.
Representing Imaginary Spaces: Fantasy, Fiction, and Virtuality.
Gualeni, S.
Philosophical Games.
Entry in the Encyclopedia of Ludic Terms.
Gualeni, S. & Vella, D.
Existential Ludology and Peter Wessel Zapffe.
Gualeni, S.
Virtual World-Weariness: On Delaying the Experiential Erosion of Digital Environments.
Gualeni, S.
A Philosophy of ‘DOING’ in the Digital.
Gualeni, S.
Virtual Weltschmerz: Things to keep in mind while building experience machines and other tragic technologies.
Gualeni, S.
Playing with Puzzling Philosophical Problems.
A few academic conference papers:
Andreou, A. T.; Gualeni, S.; Sánchez Contreras, G. J.
Co-designing Enrichment Toys with Bottlenose Dolphins:
Playfulness as a Corrective to Anthropocentrism
ACI 2023
Gualeni, S. & Van de Mosselaer, N.
Game Studies Through 'Conceptual Games': The Case of Doors
DiGRA 2023
Van de Mosselaer, N. & Gualeni, S.
The Implied Designer and the Experience of Gameworlds.
DiGRA 2020
Fassone, R., Alonge, G. & Gualeni, S.
Deployment Mechanics in Analogue and Digital Strategic Games: A Historical and Theoretical Framework.
DiGRA 2020
Schellekens, J.; Caselli, S.; Gualeni, S.; Bonello Rutter Giappone, K.
Satirical Game Design: The Case of the Boardgame Construction
FDG 2020
Gualeni, S.; Fassone, R. & Linderoth, J.
How to Reference a Digital Game.
DiGRA 2019
Gualeni, S.
On the de-familiarizing and re-ontologizing effects of glitches and glitch-alikes.
DiGRA 2019
Gualeni, S.; Gómez Maureira, M. A.
Self-Transformative effects of designing videogames and the challenge of capturing them quantitatively: a case study.
FDG 2018
Westerlaken, M. & Gualeni, S.
A Dialogue Concerning ‘Doing Philosophy’ with and within Computer Games.
PoCG 2017
Westerlaken, M. & Gualeni, S.
Becoming with: towards the inclusion of animals as participants in design processes.
ACI 2016
Gualeni, S.
Freer than We Think: Game Design as a Liberation Practice.
PoCG 2014
Gualeni, S.
What is it Like to Be a (Digital) Bat?
PoCG 2011